India Optel Limited (IOL) is looking for suitable candidates for the position of Company Secretary on a fixed-term contract basis. The candidates’ maximum age for the aforementioned post must be 45 years. Referring to the official notification of IOL Recruitment 2023, candidates would be hired for a two-year fixed-term contract.
According to the official notification of IOL Recruitment 2023, there is only 01 open position for the aforementioned position. The selected candidates would receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 150000. The chosen candidate would be based in Raipur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, at the Corporate Headquarters. As stated in the official notification of IOL Recruitment 2023, shortlisted candidates will be invited for in-person interviews, and their selection will be based on their performance in the interviews. Download the prescribed format from the IOL website under the “Careers” section and submit it in paper copy along with documentation to Works Manager (HR), India Optel Limited, Corporate Headquarters, OFILDD Campus, Raipur, Dehradun (UK)-248008.
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